Women Reveal Their Feelings On How Long a Man Should Be

Since as far back as we can remember, men have fretted about the size of their penises. Is it too big, is it too small, what size is best for the ladies? Well guys, gone are the days where you’d have to sneakily compare yourself to other dudes in the gym locker room. One of the most amazing things about the internet is that plenty of women are happy to share their opinions on penis size!
It’s What You Do With It
Many penis owners will be very relieved to learn that bigger is definitely not always better. Most ladies are more concerned about how you use your penis to please her in the bedroom, not how many inches long it is.
Sometimes Smaller Is Ideal
Women vary in size, so some more petite ladies actually prefer a more modestly sized penis. “I am a small girl. It’s really more about girth than length. Best size for me is six inches. Six inches and not pencil-thin is just right for me,” says Katie.
Is Love The Key?
Most women expressed the opinion that as long as they love the man they’re with, penis size is of no concern to them. “I don’t have a preferred penis size, so long as it’s attached to someone I love then it’s all good,” Maria explains.
All About Girth
All this time men have been concerned about length, but is it girth you should be thinking about instead? “It’s not length, it’s girth. If you have neither, you are in trouble. If you have both, we might be,” Vivian lays down the facts.
What Do The Sexperts Have To Say?
Adult store retail worker, Dan, breaks it down: “As a man with six years of retail experience in an adult store, women rarely go for anything above seven inches. One of our highest sellers was only 5.5, and actually its men that buy larger toys.”
He Makes A Good Point
The average vagina is actually only three to four inches long, which means most men are in the clear when it comes to penis size. Given the size of the sex toys women are buying, it’s safe to say that girth and skills are more important to the ladies.
Only Four Inches?
We can hear your puzzled cries already. How is it possible that most women are no deeper than four inches? The vagina does actually elongate when sexually aroused, which explains why penises larger than four inches can make their way in.
Some Ladies Have Limits
While the overriding opinion is that size is not the most important thing, some women have said there is a such thing as too small. “If your penis is shorter than four inches I’ll have a chuckle and get the hell out of there,” said one honest woman.
But Some Say Three Inches Is Perfect
You really can’t put an exact number on the perfect size. “All a man needs is around three to four inches to bring any lady to orgasm. Everything beyond that isn’t necessary. It’s all a matter of how you use it,” says Alicia.
There’s Other Fun Things To Do, Too
Another great point raised by many women who were surveyed is that there are other ways to enjoy each other besides penetrative sex. In fact, a lot of ladies prefer foreplay and other sexual acts in order to reach orgasm.
A Blunt Way To Put It
One woman didn’t hold back when she explained it: “If I was really into a guy it wouldn’t matter what the length of the peen was. There’s still all kinds of sexy sh*t you can do without penetration, so as long as he was kinky and game to try different stuff it wouldn’t be an issue at all.”
Not A Deal-Breaker
When examining the research, one of the main findings was that some women may be disappointed with a penis that is less than four inches long, but it wouldn’t be a deal-breaker. As long as you have skills and personality, you’re all good!
A Micro-Penis Is Not Welcomed
A micro-penis is defined as a penis that is smaller than two standard deviations from the average penis size. In other words, an abnormally small penis. Most women will finish the act, just to be nice, but don’t be expecting a call back.
What Is Average, Though?
One woman gives us her point of view: “I’ve mainly seen around six inches, so I’d say that is average, and I don’t really think I would want anything larger. I have seen a micro-penis, it looked like someone had photo shopped a baby wiener onto a real person.”
Develop Your Skills
The thing we kept reading over and over was that it was the skills you have that matter. As Jane so delicately puts it: “You can have a penis the size of elephant’s, or a penis the size of a baby clitoris, doesn’t mean anything if you don’t know what you’re doing with it.”


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