How To Make Him Miss You When He Is Taking You For Granted

People generally don’t want something until it is gone.

It is a hard philosophy to live by, like are you meant to always be scarce? Well, one thing you should never allow anyone to do is take your time and efforts for granted. Some people keep giving their all in fear of  those people leaving. But think about it? Is it worth keeping someone who you have to keep fighting for their attention? Sometimes you need to step back and see if you’re actually relevant in a man’s life. Respect yourself, get some iced tea, take a chill pill and stop leeching. Try these ways to get him to miss you and if he doesn’t miss you afterwards just walk way.

1. Just stop communicating with him.

If you’re always the one looking for him you need to stop. Give him the opportunity to chase you and so you can actually know if you mean anything to him. If you go quiet and he doesn’t look for you for a couple of days then he clearly doesn’t think about you as much as you do.


2. When he communicates take time before you respond to his messages and calls.

Don’t act desperate no one likes that. Take your time, to respond to his messages especially if you’re the one who usually texts first. He should also invest in time for calling you.


3. Stop going to his house all the damn time.

If you’re always available for anyone you don’t give them room to miss you. They eventually think you don’t have a life and even feel like you’re crowding his space. Remember you don’t have to keep showering a man with favors so he can miss you, stop cleaning for him and doing chores for him like he employed you.

4. Stop sending photos of yourself.

This just screams out “I need you to miss me”. Stop that, if you really want him to see you post a nice picture of yourself on social media but not all the time. Let his eyes ache to see you.

5. When you talk to him end the conversation first.

This is especially if the conversation is not flowing do not feel responsible to make the chats interesting. If it is not interesting just let the conversation go and let him try make it fun.

6. Be mysterious and stop posting everything on social media.

What is the point of looking for you if he can literally stalk your life on social media? Be mysterious and let him wonder what you have been up to. Please realize that the amount of time it will take for him to miss you will vary depending on how close you are and if he actually cares about you.

7. Don’t tell him everything about you right away.

Leave him hungry to get to know you like he doesn’t need to know why your mum and dad argue in the beginning of the relationship.

8. Leave some of your things behind.

Accidentally forget some of your clothes in his house and if you already do that make sure you leave his room with your scent. It better be a good scent that can last for a while.

9. Don’t give it up to him any time he wants it.

He wants sex but he has been acting like a brat? No way, you’re not a machine and never be afraid that he will get it from elsewhere. Anyone can get sex from a different person even every day. So don’t hold your breath while being too available.


10. Spend time with other people so he knows you have a life.

Never center your life around a man he needs to understand you don’t need him you want him.

11. Treat him like a friend not a flame.

Because if he is not more than a friend then why treat him like that? Treat him in a chilled manner so that he can appreciate the times you smother him with love.


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