6 Reasons Why Most Africans Don’t Kiss In Public

A passionate kiss is a universal pleasure, but in Africa, it’s a rare sight.

The current generation is trying to embrace PDA but it’s still it’s not every day that you will see a couple kissing at a bus stage, in a supermarket or on the street.
So why do Africans hate kissing in public?

1. People will always look at you funny if you kiss in public.

In Africa, a public kiss becomes a spectacle. People will look at the two of you like you are aliens straight out of Venus. They’ll be like “Hey, stop, what is that, move on”. As a result, most people would rather just not do it. Who wants all the attention?

2. Someone you know might see you.

Africans also forego PDA because of the risk factor. What if you bump into that gossiploving aunt of yours? And then she goes to tell your mum? Or maybe you run into your pastor, teacher or boss. It’s all too big a risk to take and not many people would rather not take that chance.

3. It’s just African nature for anything sexual to be done in private.

We’ve been taught that anything sexual should be done behind closed doors and should remain between you and whoever you did it with.

4. Even if you want to do it, your bae probably won’t.

PDA compatibility is rare in Africa. There always a conflict of interest. Even if you find nothing wrong with kissing in public, your bae would probably find something wrong with it and refuse to do it. And that’show that story will be forgotten.
bad breath black couple

5. We never saw our parents doing it, so why should we?

I have never seen my parents kiss, let alone hug. I am not sure they’ve ever kissed. Our parents are the carriers of strictness, respectfulness and minimal showering of affection. White kids on the other hand, see their parents kissing all the time hence they view it as something normal. For Africans, it’s just not like that.

6. We prefer the ‘other’ stuff.

Africans don’t consider kissing as a cultural performance of love. For us, it’s not that wondrous as white people make it up to be. We’d rather just wait to get to the ‘real stuff’ later on. If you now what I mean.


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