14 Reasons Why Women Are Better Cheaters Than Men

Before you start wondering why in the world women would be good in something men do all the time, think about how many of your ex-girlfriends you never caught cheating but found out so much later?

Women have the ability to keep secrets for a much longer time and the idea that women have to be emotionally attached to you after sexis utter nonsense. We take our time and do everything after we have well calculated the risks and how much loss is actually involved. Men can be reckless and stupidly leave all clues for us to figure it out while we know how to clear all evidence.

The worst thing is that a lady who cheats is not one you would expect, she is the most innocent looking one and for an enlightenment, you need to understand why women are better cheaters than men

1. We know how to guard our secrets.

For some reason many people think that all women do is blurt out information this might be true until this information is solely about her. She will guard it with everything she has and you don’t need to be too confident thinking she may exasperate from guilt at any time because she will not.
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2. Yes, we can make you think we are in love but we are not.

Women can be with you for a very particular agenda and it ends there. For some, it might actually just be for sex while others it’s for money, rebound or some form of excitement. They have the ability to make you think they are smitten while they know how to work your ego big time.

3. We can have a pseudo identity by having fake numbers and e-mails.

In our women breed, we have savages that know how to pull off different personalities just by having different numbers or identity information. She might tell you her other account is just for family but really that’s where her boyfriend is.

4. We never leave room for suspicion because our minds already overthink.

Our minds already know how to study you from how you look at other girls to even checking your phone. This means we do not leave any room for suspicion, proper savages will even delete whatsapp texts or archive information. I mean they just think ten steps ahead because they tend to overthink.

5. Our emotional intelligence is so high we would know when you are doubting us so we start hiding our trails.

If we even think you are doubting us, we become nicer and put you back in the comfort zone where you always were. The number one rule is also deny, deny, deny!

6. We will never tell you anything we don’t want you to know.

Never ever think we don’t filter information, we take time to speak about our daily events. By the time we are telling you about a certain guy it is probably because we want you to know about him. Sometimes we are even giving you a clue of just who is your competition.

7. We are very good at convincing, this is why you believe that guy she’s always with is her cousin.

I mean seriously? You’ve been dating this lady for a while then all of a sudden his cousin is around. A woman has the power to make you feel like there’s none other than you so she tells you about all her guy friends and even tells you they all have girlfriends, but this could just be a cover.

8. Let’s not lie, women can really pretend and for a very long time.

These are the same species of women who can smile in someones face then also go behind the same persons back and speak ill of that person. This is probably one of women’s best talents so you can never really know what is going on in her life because she won’t act guilty when she’s meant to.

9. We can still treat you like a king and play you like you would never imagine.

Yup, this is absolutely true. A woman can make you feel like you’re the only one that will ever even own her or even make her feel hot or sexy but you are not. As you get too comfortable you need to wonder if you’re the only one.

10. We will give you so much confidence you’ll never think we could cheat.

By telling you, you’re the best, there is none like you and that she hasn’t slept with anyone since she met you 5 years ago. What’s even worse is if she knows you have cheated on her before then she will cheat on you too without a care.

11. Our girls also cover us big time.

Not only boys have their friends backs, girls can always have that one girl that will cover her trails and is also her wingman.

12. We can hide cologne smell with our concealers and perfumes.

Because she can cover her trails.
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13. We are very discreet with how we cheat. We choose private places and no one ever meets the guy we cheat with.

Guys can be such a mess when they cheat, they go to public places with their side pieces where they will obviously be caught. Since women think ahead, they tend to work in fear so they are more careful with every step they take. Where they cheat will be a discreet place and no one, not even her best friend at times will know who she is cheating with.
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14. Women just happen to be better manipulators.

They can control situations in a scheming and skillful manner.


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