Cute Guy Shares Screenshot Of Chat He Had With A Girl Who Called Him Gay Because He Refuse To Grant Her Sex Request

Bright Baidu Maigari, a facebook user has shared screenshots of the chats he had with a female Facebook friend who called him a gay because he refused to have sex with her.
The facebook fine boy, said the lady in.question went as far as threatening to tell his mother that he is gay.

Here’s what he wrote;
In this century if you deny a lady the opportunity to have sex with you, you are gay. Come and read your handwork. Amnready for the battle.
You were childish enough to threaten me you will tell my mum and the world am gay and you think I won’t be childish enough to screenshot our chat and post
Read the chat below;
The girl was not expecting him to expose the chats, so bad for her. She’s so lucky her name wasn’t exposed.
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